Looking to get unstuck? Start with the body.

Most clients make their way to me because they are looking for a shift in their lives. Maybe they’ve even put in the work some shifts require, but they’re still experiencing the same results. Generally, they have experienced some major life event that has pushed them towards seeking help outside of themselves. Enter me, Life Coach.

How I help? I take it to the body. Most people I work with live in their heads and I’m here to help them connect more with their body.

Where do we start? We first identify the inner saboteurs who are showing up and leading the way. Once we peel back those layers and develop an understanding of how they came to be, then we move on to how they are showing up daily and running the show. Saboteurs are the main reason people get stuck and stay stuck. It’s a mindset that holds an individual captive. How? Well, it’s a belief system that was accepted as truth at some point in a person’s life when they were most vulnerable. When an individual can learn to train the inner saboteur to relax back and give space for the true self to shine through, then an individual is able to find flow in life. Life will feel effortless! This takes work and commitment but is so worth it because you’re worth it.

Habits are easy. Creating real change in your life starts with intentional presence. A noticing of your internal self- the self you hide from others. A deep listening of what your body wants and not being afraid to lead with that.

Saboteurs can create unnecessary anxiety. You can control this by making a choice to unleash your true authentic self.

When we hide who we really are from the world, we live in fear, self-doubt, and worry. Your saboteurs tell you, people won’t like your true self, it’s not safe to show your true self and a whole bunch of other lies- if this lands with you- you know what I’m talking about! You have a choice to live a different life but you must be willing to commit to change and that change starts with listening to what’s occurring in the body.

When you think about doing “that thing” you’ve been avoiding, what happens in the body? Where do you notice the happening? Then ask yourself what’s triggering this feeling in the body? Lastly, what is the trigger telling you that you need? Is it respect? Is it boundaries? Is it acceptance? Is it affection? Is it to be seen? Is it to be heard?

Curious to learn more? Let’s connect! Tap the get in touch button below to book a free chemistry call.



Let’s talk Acceptance.


Most of the time we are completely identified with our thoughts.